

Possibilities of blockchain technology for domestic business entities

On October 4, 2022, a panel was held at the Chamber of Commerce of Vojvodina on the possibilities that blockchain technology offers to the domestic business entities. The panellists were Ivan Andrejević, Miloš Praštalo and Vladimir Veličković, and lawyer Ilija Rilaković participated on behalf of Walk Attorneys. Among the guests of the panel were representatives...
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Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO) – Challenges and perspectives

In the song Power to the People, John Lennon summed up the concept of freedom and citizens’ ability to decide on political and social circumstances. These ideas are as old as the first theories of societal organization. Kropotkin, a revolutionary and anarchist, points to Zeno’s prediction of a time when people, regardless of borders, will...
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Blockchain paper trail

Regarding the new regulations on digital assets and the accompanying tax adjustments, in one of the previous texts (Crypto tax), we analysed the issues that these have caused for the crypto community. It seems that few of them have been resolved since then. Although we assessed the regulation of digital assets as useful, primarily from...
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IT Factories to Workers

The idea of workers’ self-government is a legacy of the political theory of the 19th century. In former Yugoslavia it gained its full momentum through the workers’ self-government system. The essence of this concept was the democratization of company management and increasing the motivation of workers to make greater contribution to business success since they...
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Crypto Tax

The tax problems that the crypto community in Serbia is facing or will face in the future have remained in the shadow of the conflict that arose between freelancers and Tax Administration. Namely, in order to regulate the fast-growing cryptocurrency market and ensure that citizens pay tax on a part of the income that they...
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The beginning of October 2021 marked the beginning of the registration of business units, i.e. sales facilities of fiscalization taxpayers, which is the first step towards the implementation of the Law on Fiscalization.
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Bylaws regarding the Law on Digital Assets

The National Bank of Serbia has made a set of bylaws in order to work out the Law on Digital Assets. The most important bylaws relate to the regulation of the procedure and the necessary documentation for granting licenses for the provision of services related to virtual currencies (in Serbia and abroad), foreign currency payments...
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Crypto Tax

In order to regulate the fast-growing cryptocurrency market and tax the income that citizens earn from trade, at the end of 2020, Serbia passed the Law on Digital Assets, which regulates the cryptocurrency and digital token market. The legislator also had to harmonize the tax regulations (Law on Personal Income Tax, Law on Corporate Income...
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The Law on Archival Material and Archiving Activities (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia“, no. 6/2020)

Archival Material and Archiving Activities – What You Need to Know The Law on Archival Material and Archiving Activities started to apply as of 2nd February 2021 (hereinafter: Law). The subject of the Law is regulation of the system for protection of archival material and documentary material, as well as conditions and manner of the...
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The Law on Determining the Origin of Property and Special Tax. (“Official Gazette of RS” no. 18/2020)

In mid-March 2021, the Law on Determining the Origin of Property and Special Tax (the Law) will begin to apply. Declaratively, the goal of the law is to improve the distribution of social wealth, i.e. to enable a partial seizure the property for which there is no evidence of legal acquisition. The subject of the...
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